Go India Go Back We want Freedom
The recent uprising in Kashmir is the biggest after the one that took place in 1990. The efforts of Kashmiri people should be not viewed under the context of terrorist activity. Tagging the Kashmir freedom movement as a terrorist movement would only strengthen the hands of those negative powers around the world, who are suppressing many innocent voices. Doing so be would also be a violation of the basic rights of the man set under the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948.”The UNO has a comprehensive system for the settlement of disputes among the member states. But before organizations take a step forward it is important for them to realize that Kashmiris are an oppressed nation. While the entire world is striving to improve human rights and grant them to every individual, they are being violated in Kashmir every day. Till now, thousands have been injured and many have been killed. Efforts for Kashmir from Pakistan’s side should be supported by the
rest of the world. Other political differences must be kept aside and only the cause of Kashmir should be kept in mind. The United Nations should abide by its own principles and take complete responsibility for guarding human rights. It should punish all those who violate them so that everybody can live in peace.